Lavorando da decenni nel campo dell’ipnosi, ho avuto occasione di incontrare un’enorme quantità di indicazioni sulle varie situazioni in cui l’ipnosi può risultare utile per tanti problemi connessi, ad esempio, alla malattia biologica, alla cura, al counseling, alla formazione personale e così via.
Una testimonianza interessante, sulle innumerevoli circostanze in cui l’ipnosi sembra riuscire di qualche efficacia, è fornita dalle suggestioni ipnotiche registrate, generalmente in forma di CD o comunque di file elettronici, che vengono proposte su internet.
L’elenco dei temi per cui viene proposto l’impiego della suggestione ipnotica verbale, anche in questa semplice forma di una registrazione da ascoltare, ci aiuta a capire con dettaglio l’ampiezza delle possibilità a nostra disposizione.
Ho dunque raccolto un elenco degli argomenti a cui tale offerta di File o CD viene riferita; e li ho elencati qui sotto, tornando di quando in quando ad aggiornare l’elenco con i nuovi capitoli che trovo.
I titoli di questi protocolli registrati fanno ciascuno riferimento ad argomenti diversi dagli altri, con alcune voci che compaiono nell’offerta internet una volta sola ed altre che si ripetono invece con notevole frequenza da un sito all’altro.
Merita notare che ogni titolo, di ciascun CD o file registrato, si riferisce ad una singola suggestione, diversa ed autonoma. Il che rende bene l’idea di quanto possa risultare specifico l’impiego della comunicazione ipnotica per il cambiamento.
Capita anche che alcuni titoli siano molto simili e rappresentino più che altro delle variazioni su un medesimo tema, che comunque riesce utile riportare per cogliere le sfumature.
Nell’insieme: gli interventi proposti sono verosimili; in quanto si riferiscono a temi su cui l’ipnosi interviene davvero nel senso di un cambiamento positivo. Gli effetti improbabili (come dialogare con il proprio angelo custode o sviluppare delle capacità extra-sensoriali) compaiono sì, ma piuttosto di rado.
Può darsi che anche tu trovi qualche argomento che ti può coinvolgere direttamente. Al momento: sono ormai ben più di 500:
Fornisco dunque un elenco di alcuni titoli che ho segnato negli anni, sapendo che, benché si tratti di una lista numerosa. è comunque incompleta, anche se aiuta a capire meglio la diffusione degli impieghi a cui l’ipnosi si può forse prestare
- A.D.H.D
- Abundance, attract
- Accelerated studying/learning
- Accept compliments
- Accept gracefully aging
- Accept help from others
- Accept your body
- Accept your sexual phantasies
- Accept yourself
- Achieve climax
- Achieve natural tranquillity
- Achieve optimum health levels
- Achieve orgasm
- Achieve prosperity
- Achieve your potential
- Acne treatment
- Acquire gym motivation
- Actor, become a great
- Addiction, break free of any
- Adoption achieve successful
- Aging, accept gracefully
- Agoraphobia
- Aid autogenic training
- Aid pass driving test
- Aid type a personality trait
- Alcohol abuse and binge drinking
- Alcohol habit, take control of
- Allergy relief
- Allergy, relieve
- Alone, stop being
- Alopecia areata, overcome
- Alpha male rapid seduction
- Alpha male, become an
- Ambitious, become more
- Angels, answers from
- Amplify sex pleasure
- Anger control
- Anger management
- Answers from angels
- Animals phobia, stop
- Animals, overcome fear of
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anorexia, overcome
- Anti aging
- Anxiety and depression
- Anxiety attacks, overcome
- Anxiety attacks, stop
- Anxiety, relieve
- Apologize, learn to
- Apologizing, stop
- Appetite and taste, improve
- Arachnophobia, overcome
- Arthritis pain, ease
- Arthritis relief
- Assertive, be more
- Asthma, overcome
- Astral projection skills, improve
- Attention deficit disorder, overcome
- Attention deficit disorder, relieve
- Attention to detail, improve
- Anxiety attacks, end
- Attract a new car
- Attract abundance
- Attract employment
- Attract friendship
- Attract good luck
- Attract great sex partners
- Attract happiness
- Attract loving people
- Attract money
- Attract success
- Attract wealth
- Attracting the perfect mate
- Attracting love
- Attracting wealth and abundance
- Attractive and popular to men, become
- Attractive and popular to women, become
- Autism and autistic child, cure
- Autogenic training, aid
- Automatic writing skills, develop
- Awaken esp potential
- Awaken intuition
- Back pain
- Banish insomnia
- Be a winner
- Be better lovers for couple
- Be happy
- Be hilariously
- Be less gullible
- Be more assertive
- Be more careful
- Be more competitive
- Be more decisive
- Be more honest
- Be more patient
- Be more punctual
- Be realistic
- Be regular
- Be stress free
- Beat depression
- Beat insomnia
- Beat pain and agony
- Beautiful body
- Become a better lover
- Become a celebrity
- Become a conversation starter
- Become a great actor
- Become a medium
- Become a successful entrepreneur
- Become a super leader
- Become a winner
- Become an alpha male
- Become animal whisperer
- Become attractive and popular to men
- Become attractive and popular to women
- Become famous
- Become funny
- Become less tolerant
- Become loyal and faithful
- Become money minded
- Become more ambitious
- Become more grateful
- Become more passionate
- Become more romantic
- Become more tolerant
- Become neat and clean
- Become optimist
- Become organized
- Become persuasive
- Become self aware
- Become sexually confident
- Become vegetarian
- Better communication in relationships
- Better grandparenting
- Better orgasms
- Cure bipolar disorder
- Birth hypnosis
- Birthing
- Bliss in total relaxation
- Body healing
- Bodybuilding improvement
- Boost energy
- Boost immune system
- Boost pheromones
- Boost retirement confidence
- Boost self confidence
- Boost self esteem
- Booster self discipline
- Booster song writing skills
- Booster tarot reading skills
- Break free of any addiction
- Break the emotional love affair with food
- Breast enlargement
- Breast reduction
- Breastfeeding improvement
- Build clientele customer base
- Build credibility
- Build instant trust
- Build rapport
- Build trust in relationships
- Build your self esteem
- Career fulfilling
- Change dysfunctinal behavior
- Change life
- Change physical structure
- Change your life and history
- Change
- Childbirth easy natural
- Childbirth
- Cholesterol lowering
- Chronic pain relief
- Compassionate communication
- Complete relaxation
- Conscious lucid dreaming
- Contact spirit guardian
- Control bad feelings
- Control blushing
- Control mind and brain
- Control pain
- Control temper
- Control weight
- Control your ego
- Cope with cancer
- Cope with disfigurement and scars
- Coping before and after surgery
- Create the life you want
- Creative thinking
- Creative visualization
- Cure and stop sleepwalking
- Cure any fear
- Cure any phobia
- Cure autism and autistic child
- Cure binge eating disorder
- Cure blood pressure
- Cure chronic fatigue
- Cure erectile dysfunction
- Cure fear of hearth attack
- Cure fear of heights attack
- Cure fear of hospitals
- Cure hypochondria
- Cure impotence
- Cure loneliness
- Cure negative thinking
- Cure postnatal depression
- Cure premenstrual syndrome
- Cure sexual frustration
- Cure travel sickness
- Dancing skills
- Date beautiful women
- Date successful handsome men
- Date successful gain
- Deal with exam test nerves
- Deal with personal bankruptcy
- Deal with puberty and adolescence
- Dealing with down syndrome
- De-stress
- Develop automatic writing skills
- Develop curiosity
- Develop good manners
- Develop mediumship and channeling skills
- Develop photographic memory
- Develop psychic abilities
- Develop psychic skills
- Develop supernatural mind power
- Develop your esp
- Devine and spontaneous healing
- Diet program
- Diet
- Discover your perfect job
- Dream incubation
- Drug use addiction
- Ease arthritis pain
- Easily deliver presentation
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Eliminate headaches
- Emotion control
- End a friendship ending
- End anxiety attacks
- End blame
- End drug addiction
- End guilt
- End road rage affirmation
- End self sabotage
- End shame
- End the lazies
- Energy increase
- Enhance and enjoy anal sex
- Enhance erection
- Enhance female sexuality
- Enhance orgasm
- Enjoy family gatherings
- Enjoy fitness workout
- Enjoy giving oral sex
- Enjoy homeworks
- Enjoy housework
- Enjoy job and work
- Enjoy making love
- Enjoy more sex
- Enjoy motherhood
- Enjoy schoolwork
- Enjoy work at home
- Escape from cult
- Everyday proble
- Experience faith healing
- Experience life regression
- Experience self love
- Express gratitude
- Family harmony
- Fast learn
- Fast rapid lose belly fat
- Faster brain
- Favour change
- Fear of confrontation
- Feel sexual freedom
- Fibromyalgia relief
- Find passion
- Find peaceful mind calm
- Find perfect partner
- Find your boyfriend and soulmate
- Fitness
- Follow the diet
- For better life
- Foster parenting and care
- Gain amazing memory
- Gain beach body
- Gain common sense
- Gain confidence with your boss
- Gain confidence
- Gain control gag reflex
- Gain eye color change
- Gain millionaire creativity
- Gain penis enlargement
- Gain social networking success
- Gain weight
- Gain wisdom
- Gastric band surgery weight loss
- Gay sex seduction
- Get a better job
- Get a sexy and perfect butt
- Get better grades in school
- Get deep rem sleep
- Get dream control
- Get eight hours sleep
- Get girls pick up
- Get healing hands
- Get over divorce
- Get over your ex
- Get past sorrow
- Get positive menopause
- Get pregnant
- Get public speaking charisma
- Get relief of migranes
- Get sexy and perfect breasts
- Get skin clear
- Get slimmer thighs
- Get spirit guide contact
- Get the mind of milionnaire
- Getting over the past memories
- Goal achievement
- Greed overcome
- Grow taller
- Guide your meditation
- Have lucid dreaming
- Healing response
- Healthy blood pressure
- Healthy eating
- Help brain power booster
- Help co dependency treatment and recovery
- Help drug treatment and recovery
- Help forget your enemies
- Help handling criticism
- Help you let go
- Hold pre wedding nerves and doubts
- How to cast magic spells
- Hypertension
- Hypnotize your lover
- Ignore insults
- Impotence treatment
- Improve appetite and taste
- Improve astral projection skills
- Improve attention to detail
- Improve bargaining skills
- Improve blood pressure wellness
- Improve body language skills
- Improve body talk
- Improve breathing easy
- Improve calligraphy and handwriting
- Improve chakra meditation and bio energy
- Improve concentration in study
- Improve confidence with your lover
- Improve creativity
- Improve crossword puzzles skills
- Improve dating confidence
- Improve education
- Improve energy and motivation
- Improve eye contact skills
- Improve facial expressions
- Improve forgiveness
- Improve gambling success
- Improve gardening skills
- Improve good luck
- Improve good posture
- Improve healing mind
- Improve healthy lifestyle habits
- Improve hearing skills
- Improve hygiene and sanitation
- Improve improvisation skills music
- Improve language skill
- Improve listening skills
- Improve logical thinking
- Improve magic skills of magician
- Improve math skills study
- Improve memory and learning
- Improve memory
- Improve mood
- Improve motivation to move
- Improve multitasking skills
- Improve musical memory
- Improve palm reading
- Improve personal magnetism
- Improve positive vibrations
- Improve posture
- Improve public speaking
- Improve reflexes speed
- Improve self confidence
- Improve self discipline
- Improve sense of direction
- Improve shamanism practice
- Improve singing charisma
- Improve spelling skills
- Improve study concentration
- Improve study habits
- Improve talk dirty to me
- Improve telepathy skills
- Improve visualization
- Improve wine tasting skills
- Improve your concentration
- Improve your photographic memory
- Improve your self defense
- Improve your sense of smell
- Improve your vocabulary
- Improvement golf
- Improvement virility
- Increase concentration
- Increase determination
- Increase emotional intelligence
- Increase exercise program
- Increase height
- Increase income and salary
- Increase luck
- Increase metabolism and fat loss
- Increase sex appeal
- Increase spiritual awareness
- Increase your pleasure
- Influence people
- Intensifying creative ability
- Intuitive tuning
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Jealousy and trust
- Labor
- Language learning aid
- Languages learning
- Lead an orderly life
- Leadership
- Learn a sport
- Learn foreign language speaking
- Learn how to say no
- Learn how to talk to women
- Learn lucid dreaming
- Learn mind magic and tricks
- Learn musical instruments learning
- Learn pet care
- Learn pranayama breathing yoga
- Learn school subjects
- Learn speed reading
- Learn to accept love
- Learn to apologize
- Learn to forgive others
- Learn to love yourself
- Learning bugle-bugler playing
- Leave the bad past behind memories
- Letting go of stress
- Limitless confidence
- Live longer
- Lose weight
- Love life for couples
- Love yourself
- Love
- Loving couples
- Lower salt intake sodium
- Magic wicca
- Make longer sex
- Make rapid decision making
- Make your dreams become true
- Manage your life
- Manifesting prosperity
- Marry up marrying up
- Meditation
- Meet spirit guides
- Mental toughness
- Mind control of others
- Mind expanding
- Modify eating habits
- Money
- Motivation improvement
- Muscle growth no pills
- Mystic visionary seer
- Natural colon cleansing
- No diet weight loss
- No more temper
- Non surgical lifting for face
- Overcome alopecia areata
- Overcome and stop midlife crisis
- Overcome anorexia
- Overcome anxiety attacks
- Overcome arachnophobia
- Overcome asthma
- Overcome attention deficit disorder
- Overcome bulimia
- Overcome chocolate addiction
- Overcome claustrophobia
- Overcome coffee addiction
- Overcome complaining
- Overcome depression
- Overcome doubt
- Overcome dysgraphia and writing disorder
- Overcome dysmorphia
- Overcome eating disorders
- Overcome empty nest syndrome
- Overcome envy
- Overcome fear of animals
- Overcome fear of birds
- Overcome fear of blood
- Overcome fear of bridges
- Overcome fear of change
- Overcome fear of committment
- Overcome fear of dark
- Overcome fear of dentist
- Overcome fear of doctors
- Overcome fear of dogs
- Overcome fear of elevators
- Overcome fear of failure
- Overcome fear of females
- Overcome fear of fire
- Overcome fear of flying
- Overcome fear of going crazy
- Overcome fear of injections
- Overcome fear of intimacy
- Overcome fear of job
- Overcome fear of lice
- Overcome fear of marriage
- Overcome fear of martians
- Overcome fear of needles
- Overcome fear of oral sex
- Overcome fear of people
- Overcome fear of phone
- Overcome fear of poverty
- Overcome fear of public speaking
- Overcome fear of rats
- Overcome fear of rejection
- Overcome fear of rollercoaster
- Overcome fear of scissors
- Overcome fear of skiing
- Overcome fear of strangers
- Overcome fear of trains
- Overcome fear of war
- Overcome fear of water
- Overcome fear of women
- Overcome fear of your father in law
- Overcome fear of your father
- Overcome fear of your mother in law
- Overcome fear of your mother
- Overcome gambling addiction
- Overcome gossip and rumors
- Overcome guilt after sex
- Overcome guilt and guilty feelings
- Overcome hair loss
- Overcome hatred hate
- Overcome homesickness
- Overcome identity crisis
- Overcome inferiority complex
- Overcome insecurity
- Overcome insomnia
- Overcome interview anxiety
- Overcome jealousy
- Overcome job loss
- Overcome masturbation addiction
- Overcome motion sickness
- Overcome noise sensitivity
- Overcome obstacles
- Overcome pain
- Overcome panic attacks
- Overcome panic
- Overcome phobias
- Overcome seasickness
- Overcome sex addiction
- Overcome sex cure fear
- Overcome sexual dysfunction
- Overcome shopping addiction
- Overcome shyness
- Overcome smooth sailing
- Overcome social anxiety
- Overcome social phobia
- Overcome social shyness
- Overcome stage fright
- Overcome superstitions
- Overcome wedding nerves
- Overcome worry
- Overcome writers block
- Pain management
- Painless childbirth
- Parenting creative children
- Past life revelation
- People phobia
- Perfect health
- Perfect memory
- Personality change
- Positive body image
- Positive thinking
- Positive vibration
- Pregnancy hypnosis
- Prenatal hypnosis
- Prophetic dreams programming
- Prosperity
- Public speaking confidence
- Quit smoking
- Rapid phobia removal
- Rapid weight loss
- Read more books
- Realize sex therapy
- Realize success
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Reduce wrinkles
- Re-invent yourself
- Relationships
- Relax
- Release karma
- Release negative emotions
- Releasing grief and trauma
- Relief pain
- Relief past life
- Relief stress
- Relief tinnitus
- Relieve allergy
- Relieve anxiety
- Relieve attention deficit disorder
- Relieve constipation
- Relieve irritable bowel syndrome
- Relieve muscle spasm
- Relieve stress
- Relieve tourette’s syndrome
- Remember names
- Remember what you read
- Remember your dreams
- Renew relationships
- Resolve past issues shame
- Respect deadlines
- Restore hormonal health
- Revenge and vengeance release
- Sales confidence
- Sales improving
- Sales success
- Save marriage crisis
- Save money
- Seduce anyone
- Self empowerment
- Self healing
- Self help
- Self hypnosis
- Self improvement
- Sex fantasy
- Sex performance enhancement
- Sex performance
- Sex seduction
- Sexual enhancement
- Sexual health
- Simply slender
- Singer relaxation
- Size opportunities
- Sleep well every night
- Smoking cessation
- Solutions
- Speak clearly
- Speaking with confidence
- Speed learning
- Spiritual development
- Spiritual journey
- Spiritual relaxation
- Sports peak performance
- Stay faithful
- Stop animals phobia
- Stop anxiety attacks
- Stop apologizing
- Stop being alone
- Stop being defensive
- Stop being paranoid
- Stop being racist
- Stop being single
- Stop biting nails
- Stop blaming others blame
- Stop chewing gum addiction
- Stop compulsive lying
- Stop compulsive spending
- Stop convulsive hair pulling
- Stop crying too often
- Stop drinking
- Stop eating junk food
- Stop fear of death
- Stop feeling down
- Stop fidgeting
- Stop gag reflex
- Stop gossiping
- Stop holding grudges
- Stop hypochondria
- Stop impatience
- Stop impulse eating
- Stop lips biting
- Stop nail biting
- Stop need to please
- Stop negative thoughts
- Stop nightmares and bad dreams
- Stop panic attacks
- Stop porn addiction
- Stop premature ejaculation
- Stop procrastination
- Stop restless leg syndrome
- Stop self hate
- Stop self sabotage
- Stop sinning
- Stop smoking
- Stop snacking
- Stop snoring
- Stop stuttering
- Stop thinking the worst
- Stop thumb sucking
- Stop ticks
- Stop toxic relationships
- Stop worrying
- Strength and courage in combat
- Success
- Superior memory
- Take back your power
- Take control of alcohol habit
- Thake control of your life
- Thin thighs
- Think and grow rich
- Think big
- Think positively
- Think yourself thin
- Toilet training for children
- Tools for life
- Total relaxation
- Trust others
- Unleash your true potential
- Unlock psychic abilities
- Unlock your hidden powers
- Virtual gastric band surgery
- Vision and better eyesight improvement
- Visualize miracles
- Wake up on time
- Wart removal treatment
- Watch less tv
- Weight loss without dieting
- Weight loss
- Win back your ex
- Win gambling
- Win lottery
- Win public interaction phobia
- Win social anxiety
- World’s best salesperson
Lo Studio di Psicotecnica è animato da psicologi che sanno aiutarti con le più avanzate tecniche psicologiche. Il coordinatore del gruppo è il prof Felice Perussia. I siti di riferimento dello Studio di Psicotecnica sono e Operiamo in molti contesti, ma soprattutto a Milano