Collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis


Collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis



Milton H. Erickson
Collected papers of Milton H. Erickson on hypnosis
4 volumes (1931-1977), edited by Ernest L. Rossi.

New York: Irvington, 1980.


Il sommario originale dei quattro volumi è:

The Nature of Hypnosis and Suggestion
Editor’s Preface
I. On the Nature of Hypnosis

1. Initial experiments investigating the nature of hypnosis
2. Further experimental investigation of hypnosis: Hypnotic and nonhypnotic realities
3. A special inquiry with Aldous Huxley into the nature and character of various states of consciousness
4. Autohypnotic experiences of Milton H. Erickson (written with E. L. Rossi)

II. Approaches to Trance Induction

5. Historical note on the hand levitation and other ideomotor techniques
6. Deep hypnosis and its induction
7. Naturalistic techniques of hypnosis
8. Further clinical techniques of hypnosis: utilization techniques
9. A transcript of a trance induction with commentary (written with J. Haley and J. H. Weakland)
10. The confusion technique in hypnosis
11. The dynamics of visualization, levitation and confusion in trance induction
12. Another example of confusion in trance induction
13. An hypnotic technique for resistant patients: The patient, the technique, and its rationale and field experiments
14. Pantomime techniques in hypnosis and the implications
15. The “surprise” and “my-friend-John” techniques of hypnosis : Minimal cues and natural field experimentation
16. Respiratory rhythm in trance induction: The role of minimal sensory cues in normal and trance behavior
17. An indirect induction of trance: Simulation and the role of indirect suggestion and minimal cues
18. Notes on minimal cues in vocal dynamics and memory

III. On the Nature of Suggestion

19. Concerning the nature and character of posthypnotic behavior (written with E.M. Erickson)
20. Varieties of double bind (written with E. L. Rossi)
21. Two-level communication and the microdynamics of trance and suggestion (written with E. L. Rossi)
22. The indirect forms of suggestion (written with E. L. Rossi)
23. Indirect forms of suggestion in hand levitation (written with E. L. Rossi)

IV. On the Possible Dangers of Hypnosis

24. Possible detrimental effects of experimental hypnosis
25. An experimental investigation of the possible antisocial use of hypnosis
26. An instance of potentially harmful misinterpretation of hypnosis
27. Stage hypnotist back syndrome
28. Editorial
29. Editorial

Appendix 1: Contents of future volumes in this series.
Appendix 2: Bibliography of writings not included in this series.
Bibliography of Volume I
Subject Index
Name Index

Hypnotic Alteration of Sensory’ Perceptual and Psychophysical Pmcesses

I. Visual Processes

1. The hypnotic induction of hallucinatory color vision followed by pseudonegative after images. Written with E. M. Erickson, 1938.
2. Discussion: Critical comments on Hibler’s presentation of his work on negative afterimages of hypnotically induced hallucinated colors, 1941.
3. The induction of color blindness by a technique of hypnotic suggestion, l939.
4. An experimental investigation of the hypnotic subject’s apparent ability to become unaware of stimuli, l944.
5. The development of an acute limited obsessional hysterical state in a normal hypnotic subject, l954.
6. Observations concerning alterations in hypnosis of visual perceptions, 1962.
7. Further observations on hypnotic alteration of visual perception, 1966.
8. An investigation of optokinetic nystagmus, 1962.
9. Acquired control of pupillary responses, l965.

II. Auditory Processes

10. A study of clinical and experimental findings on hypnotic deafness: I. Clinical experimentation and findings, 1938.
11. A study of clinical and experimental findings on hypnotic deafness: II. Experimental findings with a conditioned response technique, 1938.
12. Chemo-anaesthesia in relation to hearing and memory, l963.
13. A field investigation by hypnosis of sound loci importance on human behavior, 1973.

III. Psychophysiological Processes

14. Hypnotic investigation of psychosomatic phenomena: Psychosomatic interrelationships studied by experimental hypnosis, 1 943.
15. The development of aphasia-like reactions from hypnotically induced amnesias. Written with R. M. Brickner, 1943.
16. A controlled experimental use of hypnotic regression in the therapy of an acquired food intolerance, 1943.
17. Experimentally elicited salivary and related responses to hypnotic visual hallucinations confirmed by personality reactions, l943.
18. Control of physiological functions by hypnosis, 1952-1977.
19. The hypnotic alteration of blood flow: An experiment comparing waking and hypnotic responsiveness. Unpublished manuscript, l958.
20. A clinical experimental approach to psychogenic infertility. Unpublished manuscript, 1958.
21. Breast development possibly influenced by hypnosis: Two instances and the psychotherapeutic results, 1960.
22. Psychogenic alteration of menstrual functioning: Three instances, l960.
23. The appearance in three generations of an atypical pattern of the sneezing reflex, l940.
24. An addendum to a report of the appearance in three generations of an atypical pattern of the sneezing reflex, 1964.

IV. Time Distortion

25. Time distortion in hypnosis, I. Written by L F. Cooper, 1948.
26. Time distortion in hypnosis, II. Written with L. F. Cooper, 1950.
27. The clinical and therapeutic applications of time distortion. Written with L. F. Cooper, 1954.
28. Further considerations of time distortion: Subjective time condensation as distinct from time expansion. Written with E. M. Erickson, 1958.

V. Research Problems

29. Clinical and experimental trance: Definitions and suggestions for their development. Unpublished discussion, circa 1960.
30. Laboratory and clinical hypnosis: The same or different phenomena? , l967.
31. Explorations in hypnosis research, l960. With a discussion by T.X. Barber, R. Dorcus, H. Guze, T. Sarbin, and A. Weitzenhoffer.
32. Expectancy and minimal sensory cues in hypnosis. Incomplete report, Circa 1960’s.
33. Basic psychological problems in hypnotic research, 1962.
34. The experience of interviewing in the presence of observers, l966.

VOLUME 3: The Hypnotic Investigation of Psychodynamic Processes

I. General and Historical Surveys of Hypnotism

1. A brief survey of hypnotism, 1934.
2. Hypnosis: A general review, l94l.
3. Hypnotism, 1954.
4. The basis of hypnosis: Panel discussion on hypnosis, 1959.

II. Psychodynamic Processes: Hypnotic Approaches to the Unconscious


Section 1: Amnesia

5. The investigation of a specific amnesia, l933.
6. Development of apparent unconsciousness during hypnotic reliving of a traumatic experience, l937.
7. Clinical and experimental observations on hypnotic amnesia: Introduction to an unpublished paper, circa 1950’s.
8. The problem of amnesia in waking and hypnotic states, circa 1960’s.
9. Varieties of hypnotic amnesia. Written with E. L. Rossi, 1974.

Section 2: Literalness

10. Literalness: An experimental study. Unpublished manuscript, Circa l950s.
11. Literalness and the use of trance in neurosis. Dialogue with E. L. Rossi, 1973.

Section 3: Age Regression

12. Age regression: Two unpublished fragments of a student’s study, 1924-1931.
13. On the possible occurrence of a dream in an eight-month-old infant, l941.
14. The successful treatment of a case of acute hysterical depression by a return under hypnosis to a critical phase of childhood, 1941.
15. Past week-day determination in hypnotic and waking states. Written with Allan Erickson, 1962.

Section 4: Automatic Writing and Drawing

16. The experimental demonstration of unconscious mentation by automatic writing, 1937.
17. The use of automatic drawing in the interpretation and relief of a state of acute obsessional depression, 1938.
18. The translation of the cryptic automatic writing of one hypnotic subject by another in a trance-like dissociated state. Written with L. S. Kubie, 1940.

Section 5: Mental Mechanisms

19. Experimental demonstrations of the psychopathology of everyday life, 1939.
20. Demonstration of mental mechanisms by hypnosis, 1939.
21. Unconscious mental activity in hypnosis: Psychoanalytic implications. Written with L. B. Hill, 1944.
22. The negation or reversal of legal testimony, 1938.

Section 6: Dual Personality

23. The permanent relief of an obsessional phobia by means of communication with an unsuspected dual personality. Written with L.S. Kubie, 1939.
24. The clinical discovery of a dual personality. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1940s.
25. Findings on the nature of the personality structure in two different dual personalities by means of projective and psychometric tests. Unpublished manuscript written with D. Rapaport, circa 1940s.

Section 7: Experimental Neuroses

26. A clinical note on a word-association test, 1936.
27. A study of hypnotically induced complexes by means of the Lurid technique. Written with P. E. Huston and D. Shakow, l934.
28. A study of an experimental neurosis hypnotically induced in a case of ejaculatio praecox, 1935.
29. The method employed to formulate a complex story for the induction of an experimental neurosis in an hypnotic subject, 1944.


VOLUME 4: Hypnotherapy: Innovative Approaches

General Introduction
An Introduction to Unorthodox Therapy’ written by Milton H. Erickson

I. General Introductions to Hypnotherapy

1. The application of hypnosis to psychiatry, 1939.
2. Hypnosis in medicine, 1944.
3. Hypnotic techniques for the therapy of acute psychiatric disturbances in war, 1945.
4. Hypnotic psychotherapy, 1948.
5. Hypnosis in general practice, 1957.
6. Hypnosis: Its renascence as a treatment modality, 1967.
7. Hypnotic approaches to therapy, 1977.

II. Indirect Approaches to Symptom Resolution

8. A clinical note on indirect hypnotic therapy, 1954.
9. The hypnotic and hypnotherapeutic investigation and determination of symptom-function. Written with H. Rosen, l954.
10. Experimental hypnotherapy in Tourette’s Disease, l965.
11. Hypnotherapy: The patient’s right to both success and failure, 1965.
12. Successful hypnotherapy that failed, l966.
13. Visual hallucination as a rehearsal for symptom resolution. Unpub1ished case discussion with E. L. Rossi, l974.

Ill. Utilization Approaches to Hypnotherapy

14. Special techniques of brief hypnotherapy, 1954.
15. Pediatric hypnotherapy, 1959.
16. The utilization of patient behavior in the hypnotherapy of obesity: Three case reports, l960.
17. Hypnosis and examination panics, l965.
18. Experientia1 knowledge of hypnotic phenomena employed for hypnotherapy, 1966.
19. The burden of responsibility in effective psychotherapy, l964.
20. The use of symptoms as an integral part of therapy, 1965.
21. Hypnosis in obstetrics: Utilizing experiential learnings. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1950s.
22. A therapeutic double bind utilizing the patient’s rebellion. Unpublished manuscript, l952.
23. Utilizing the patient’s own personality and ideas: “Doing it his own way. ” Unpublished manuscript, 1954.

lV. Hypnotherapeutic Approaches to Pain

24. An Introduction to the study and application of hypnosis for pain control, 1967.
25. The therapy of a psychosomatic headache, l953.
26. Migraine headache in a resistant patient. Unpublished manuscript, 1936.
27. Hypnosis in painful terminal illness, l959.
28. The interspersal hypnotic technique for symptom correction and pain control, 1966.
29. Hypnotic training for transforming the experience of chronic pain. Unpublished dialogue with E. L. Rossi, 1973.

V. Hypnotherapeutic Approaches in Rehabilitation

30. Hypnotically oriented psychotherapy in organic brain damage, I 963.
31. Hypnotically oriented psychotherapy in organic brain damage. I An addendum, 1964.
32. An application of implications of Lashley’s researches in a circum scribed arteriosclerotic brain condition, l963.
33. Experimental hypnottmpy in speech problems: A case rerDrt, 1965.
34. Provoking recovery fmm cerebro-vascular accident. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1965.

VI. Sexual Problems: Hypnotherapeutic Reorientations to Emotional Satisfaction

Introduction: An Hypothesis about Therapeutic Implants
35. Posthypnotic suggestion for ejaculatio praecox. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1930’s.
36. Psychotherapy achieved by a reversal of the neurotic processes in a case of ejaculatio praecox, 1973.
37. Modesty: An authoritarian approach permitting a reconditioning via fantasy. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1950’s.
38. Impotence: Facilitating unconscious reconditioning. Unpublished manuscript, l953.
39. Latent homosexuality: Identity exploration in hypnosis. Unpublished manuscript, 1935.
40. The abortion issue: Facilitating unconscious dynamics permitting real choice. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1950’s.
41. The psychological significance of vasectomy, 1954.
42. Vasectomy: A detailed illustration of a therapeutic reorientation. unpublished manuscript, circa 1950’s.
43. Sterility: A therapeutic reorientation to sexual satisfaction. Unpublished manuscript, circa l950’s.

VII. Self-Exploration in the Hypnotic State: Facilitating Unconscious processes and Objective Thinking

44. Pseudo-orientation in time as a hypnotherapeutic procedure, 1954.
45. Facilitating objective thinking and new frames of reference with pseudo-orientation in time. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1940’s.
46. Self-exploration in the hypnotic state, l955.
47. Self-exploration in trance following a surprise handshake induction. Unpublished manuscript, l952-l954.
48. The reorganization of unconscious thinking without conscious awareness. Unpublished manuscript, 1956.

VIII. Facilitating New Identity

49. Psychological shocks and creative moments in psychotherapy. written by E. L. Rossi, 1973.
50. The hypnotic corrective emotional experience, 1965.
51. A shocking breakout bf mother domination. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1930s.
52. Shock and surprise facilitating a new self-image. Unpublished manuscript, circa 1930s.
53. The identification of a secure reality, 1962.
54. The hypnotherapy of two psychosomatic dental problems, l955.
55. The ugly duckling: Transforming the self-image. Unpublished manuscript, 1933.
56. Facilitating a new cosmetic frame of reference. Unpublished manuscript, 1927.
57. Correcting an inferiority complex. Unpublished manuscript, l937-1938.
58. The February man. Unpublished manuscript, 1942.





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